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IRIG 106 Synthetic Data Files


Synthetic data files are IRIG 106 Ch 10/11 data files that are totally synthesized in software. Synthetic data files are useful for a couple of reasons.

Synthetic data solves both of these problems.

Architecture and Approach

Data is synthesized in several steps. COTS, GOTS, and custom software applications are used to generate data files.

Current Capability

The synthetic data software suite is currently early in development. There is currently support for valid TMATS, a time channel, multiple video channels, and a 1553 channel with aircraft navigation data. Below is a screen image of the data being played back in Telspan NetView.

There is also a screen capture movie showing about 1 minute of playback. The synthetic IRIG 106 Ch 10/11 data file (about 150 MB) can also be downloaded. There is an Interface Control Document describing the data channels and data fields in the data file.

Future Plans

The near term development focus is to flesh out some other useful data content.

Longer term I will add the ability to easily modify the data for a simulated strain gauge PCM message or 1553 message in somewhat subtle ways. For example it would be an interesting search problem if one PCM channel became somewhat more noisy on one flight, or if the channel gain decreased significantly for one flight.