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−Table of Contents
Welcome to the IRIG 106 wiki
The IRIG 106 wiki is sponsored by, the source for open source software and documentation related to IRIG 106.
IRIG 106 is a comprehensive telemetry standard to ensure interoperability in aeronautical telemetry application at RCC member ranges. IRIG 106 is developed and maintained by the Telemetry Group of the Range Commanders Council.
Development of the IRIG 106 standard is supported by the Telemetering Standards Coordination Committee (TSCC), which is sponsored by the International Foundation for Telemetering, is chartered to serve as a focal point within the telemetering community for the review of standards documents affecting telemetry proposed for adoption by any of the various standards bodies throughout the World. It is chartered to receive, coordinate, and disseminate information and to review and coordinate standards, methods, and procedures to users, manufacturers, and supporting agencies.
If you would like to help edit and maintain this wiki contact bob (at) to get a wiki User ID and password.
IRIG 106 Standard Versions
The IRIG 106 standard is updated and released every two years. The current release is IRIG 106 2017. It is available for download here or directly from the RCC Online Documents web page.
- IRIG 106-17 (2017)
- IRIG 106-15 (2015)
- IRIG 106-13 (2013)
- IRIG 106-11 (2011)
- IRIG 106-09 (2009)
- IRIG 106-07 (2007)
- IRIG 106-05 (2005)
IRIG 106 Open Source Library Documentation has developed an IRIG 106 open source software library and numerous utility programs. Go to the software download page for more details on available software.
irig106lib is an open source library for writing, reading, and parsing IRIG 106 format data files. The software library is written in portable C, and currently compiles into a static library and DLL under Microsoft Visual Studio Versions 6.0, 2005, 2008, and 2010, and as a static library under GCC.
The library documentation can be found here.
There are a number of utility programs that have been written to demonstrate the use of irig106lib for the decoding of IRIG 106 data. Available utilities includes:
- i106stat - Generate a summary of data channels and message types
- i106trim - Trim a file based on start and stop time
- idmp1553 - Extract and display 1553 messages
- idmp429 - Extract and display ARINC 429 messages
- idmpeth - Extract and display raw Ethernet packets
- idmpgps - Extract, decode, and display several types of recorded GPS position data
- idmpindex - Extract and display IRIG 106 file indexes
- idmpins - Extract, decode, and display 1553 INS messages
- idmptime - Extract and display time messages
- idmptmat - Extract and display TMATS in several formats
- idmpuart - Extract and display UART messages
- Display_TMATS - Extract, decode, and display TMATS from a recorded file
Documents and Handbooks
RCC Document Mirror
Many of the publicly released document published by the RCC are mirrored here.
Chapter 10 Handbook
The IRIG 106-07 Chapter 10 Programmers Handbook was written to assist users and especially developers of Chapter 10 equipment and data. The handbook provides additional clarification and other useful information. The original handbook is available PDF form. There is also a wiki version as well in development.
Updates to the original handbook are underway with a separate Wiki page for the -13 version linked below.
Chapter 9 Handbook
The IRIG 106 Chapter 9 TMATS Handbook was written as an additional guide to the interpretation of the Telemetry Atrributes Transfer Standard (TMATS). The original is available in PDF form from the RCC website.
- 124-13 Wiki Version (in progress)
IRIG 106 Validation
IRIG 106 Validation - Detailed requirements for IRIG 106 compliant systems.
Other Useful Information
TMATS attributes - TMATS has evolved a lot over the year. Here is a chart of TMATS attributes supported in the various versions of Chapter 9 over the years.
Sample Data Files - Sample Ch 10/11 data files along with a description of each